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Professional & Expert Boiler Repair

Bradley Mechanical specializes in boiler repair for all types, including gas boilers, electric boilers, oil boilers and more. We also offer emergency boiler repairs and have a certified technician on call and ready to help 24/7.

Boiler Repair Services

Our highly trained and certified technicians diagnose and repair all kinds of boiler heating systems, including:

  • Gas Boilers – Powered by natural gas, the heat generated is then pumped through your pipes. These systems can seem fairly simple and straightforward, but gas boiler repairs should only be done by professionals.
  • Oil Boilers – For those with limited access to natural gas, oil boilers are a great option. Oil boiler repairs can include full cleanings, filter replacements, burner adjustments and more. We recommend having your oil boiler serviced at least once a year.
  • Hot Water (Hydronic) Boilers – While furnaces carry heat in warm air, these boilers distribute the heat in hot water. These systems pump hot water throughout the home, releasing heat through radiators. Hydronic systems will require regular service and repairs throughout the course of the boiler’s long lifespan.
  • Electric Boilers – Instead of natural gas, electric boilers use – you guessed it – electricity to warm your home. With proper installation and maintenance, electric boiler repairs can be far and few between. With fewer moving parts than gas or oil boilers, electric boilers offer increased safety and a lower carbon footprint.
  • Steam Boilers – These boilers function very much like hot water boilers. The key difference is that steam boilers must bring water to a boiling temperature to work, whereas hot water boilers don’t. As a result, steam boilers work harder and are less energy-efficient than hot water systems. But steam boilers do have one advantage over the hot water version: They require fewer components to distribute their heat, meaning fewer components could break down and require repairs.

Emergency Boiler Repair 24/7

If your boiler has stopped working or continues to break down, give us a call to speak with one of our emergency technicians.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know when it’s time to repair or replace my boiler?

If you start to hear a bubbling or gurgling noise coming from the pipes, that’s a good you’re your boiler is malfunctioning. Other signs include radiators not producing heat, any evidence of leaking or a pilot light that won’t stay on.

Boilers have an average service life between 15-20 years. The older they get, the more prone they are to problems such as leaks, malfunctions and loss in energy efficiency. If they are no longer covered by a warranty, you’ll be covering the total cost of repairs and new components, so it’s important to keep an eye on the fine print. Replacing an old boiler with a new, higher efficiency model could save you money by avoiding higher energy bills and expensive repairs.

My boiler is showing warning signs of failure. Can I fix this myself?

While there are some simple DIY ways to maintain your boiler, we always encourage our customers to reach out to one of our certified technicians first. Repairing a boiler could involve working with gas or electricity, which can be dangerous for someone without proper the knowledge or tools.

Contact us to speak with our boiler repair experts.

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