Fall Maintenance for Solar Panels

Installing solar panels can be a valuable addition to your home's energy system. Tapping into a clean and free source of energy like solar can bring huge savings over time. But how effective are solar panels during the colder seasons?

Benefits of Residential Solar Panels

As the world turns towards more sustainable and cost-effective energy solutions, solar panels have become an increasingly popular choice for homeowners looking to reduce their carbon footprint and energy bills. Here are some of the top benefits to consider:

  1. Affordability. Contrary to belief, solar panels are not as big of an investment as many believe. Solar panels today are more affordable than ever, especially with the federal residential solar tax credit, which provides taxpayers with a 30% credit on the cost of solar systems with their income taxes.
  2. Cost-savings. As mentioned above, solar panels can decrease your energy bills significantly, depending on how much energy you consume.
  3. Independent energy source. With a growing number of energy grid issues and power outages, having your own source of solar power gives you the freedom to keep the lights on and you and your loved ones safe during emergencies.
  4. Increased home value. Installing solar panels can be a great way to increase the property value of your home. Similar to upgrading your bathroom or kitchen appliances, solar panels are a selling point today's market seeks out.
  5. Diverse climates. Solar panels can work well in a variety of climates, including those with changing seasons, like our weather in Central Virginia.

Solar Panel Maintenance

Although solar panels are known for their durability and low maintenance, regular upkeep is essential to ensure optimal performance and longevity. Before winter approaches, it's a good idea to perform some regular maintenance to ensure each panel is in good condition for the colder months ahead.

Here's a helpful guide to use when performing fall maintenance on your solar panels:

  • Regular Cleaning. The biggest concern with solar panel maintenance is cleanliness, and with fall comes falling leaves and other debris. Take the time to clean off any fallen leaves or branches that could be blocking the solar panels from vital sunlight and robbing you of solar energy. Leave removal should be one of the more manageable tasks in solar panel maintenance.
  • Inspect for Damage. Regularly inspect your solar panels for signs of damage or wear and tear. Look for cracks, chips or scratches on the surface of the panels, as well as any loose or corroded connections. If you spot any issues, contact a professional solar technician to assess the situation and perform repairs.
  • Turn Toward the Sun. We have seasons because the Earth is tilted on an axis. As we move into fall, the Earth begins to point away from sunlight. Making a shift in the direction of your solar panels by just a few degrees can significantly increase their efficiency.
  • Trim Nearby Trees. Overgrown trees can cast shadows on your solar panels, reducing their efficiency. When possible, trim back any trees or bushes that block sunlight from reaching your panels to ensure optimal performance.
  • Check for Pests. Birds, squirrels, and other pests may see your solar panels as an ideal nesting spot. Inspect your panels regularly for signs of nesting activity or damage caused by animals. Consider installing bird or pest deterrents to keep unwanted visitors at bay.
  • Schedule Professional Maintenance. While homeowners can do many aspects of solar panel maintenance, it's also a good idea to schedule periodic inspections by certified technicians, such as those at Bradley Mechanical. We can perform a thorough assessment of your system, identify any potential issues and provide expert recommendations for maintenance and repairs.

What Happens When It Snows?

During the fall months, it's rare for snow to fall, but it certainly can occur. And it's bound to happen when winter officially arrives. While there may be many suggestions on how to clean snow from your solar panels, the safest option is to wait for it to melt. Solar panels are pitched at an angle, allowing melted snow to run off on its own. Trying to sweep the snow off or heating up your panels could damage them or void the warranty.

If you're concerned about snow building up or refusing to melt from your solar panels, you can give us a call for help.

Solar Panel Experts

Whether you're considering installing solar panels this fall or need some annual maintenance performed, the experts at Bradley Mechanical can help. Get in touch with us today to learn more about your solar panel options and maintenance tips.

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