Banish Summer Energy Breakdowns with a Home Generator

The summer season is filled with sunshine, outdoor fun and a few heavy rainstorms. These thunderstorms have a tendency to cause power outages and total energy breakdowns in the home. Going without power can be destructive to your home, as it can quickly heat up, cause your food to go bad, make it impossible to get work done... the list goes on. It can also be straight-up uncomfortable. The last thing you want to do is sit in an unconditioned home on a sweltering hot summer day.

Fortunately, there are a few ways to ensure your home won’t “go dark” this summer. Our top recommendation? Install a reliable standby home generator.

What is a Home Standby Generator?

A standby generator is a permanent appliance you can install in your home that can power your home for several days in the event of an outage. They connect to your home’s electric panel and receive power from an external fuel source, such as gas or propane.

When the power goes out, your generator detects the outage. It has an internal switch that can disconnect from your home’s power provider and switch to your home’s electrical panel, turning the lights and the rest of your power back on. This switch happens almost immediately, allowing you to resume whatever you were doing without worry.

Once the municipal power service is repaired, the generator will shut off, and the power will switch back to the grid.

How Much Do Generators Cost?

Generators come in different sizes and prices. The right choice for you will depend on your home size and what areas you want to power on when the lights go out. Most homeowners choose to only power their main rooms, like bedrooms, the kitchen, and main living spaces. You can also choose to power specific appliances, like the refrigerator, freezer, washer and dryer, HVAC unit, etc., in the event of an outage to conserve energy.

A basic home standby generator that includes all the essentials will usually cost around $3,000, but it’s important to think of your generator as an investment. One that can increase the worth of your home and help you save on costs that stem from major power outages, such as food loss, hotel costs and your own personal comfort and productivity.

Can I Install My Own?

Generator installation is not a DIY project. Generator installation requires certified and advanced skills in electrical and plumbing, as well as a knowledge of building codes. Seek out and hire a professional like those at Bradley Mechanical before you buy your generator. We can assess your needs and get an understanding of the logistics of your home for installation and help you select the right home generator for you. We can also advise you on how to get a permit before installation, as generator installation does require this step.

How Do I Maintain My Generator?

During a power outage, a generator may have to run nonstop for hours and potentially even days. Bigger units will require more care, but every standby generator needs to be serviced after 24 to 48 hours of continuous use. If you have to run your generator for more than 10 days, it is vital to get a professional to change the filter and the oil.

We also recommend scheduling a yearly home generator maintenance check to ensure it’s running efficiently. Before summer starts is a great time to have your standby generator reviewed to ensure it’s ready for the stormy months ahead.

Generators are built to last. Here are a few things homeowners should do to make sure their generator remains in excellent condition:

  • Check the engine oil every day it is used
  • Replace fuel if levels run low
  • Don’t run it at more than 75% of its capacity
  • Repair and replace any deformed motor brushes
  • Replace the generator’s spark plug every two years
  • Avoid starting or stopping it under load
  • Keep the area around your home standby generator clean and clear of debris

Trusted Generator Installation & Repair

If you’re interested in investing in and installing a generator in your home, give Bradley Mechanical a call today. We can help you find the right generator to fit your budget and needs. We have a full range of reliable and effective generator products. Our certified generator experts can help you design and install a new system to keep your home protected for years to come.

Learn More About Our Generators.

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