How to Restart Your HVAC After a Power Outage

Power outages are not exclusive to summer storms. Thunder and lightning can still occur during any type of fall or winter precipitation. Snowstorms and blizzards often produce lightning strikes, a phenomenon known as “thundersnow.” Heavy snow and ice can weigh down power lines, eventually causing them to break. Branches from nearby trees can also break from snow and ice, damaging power lines as they fall. Other debris, like leaves and fallen branches, can easily cause flooding and damage electrical systems in your house or nearby.

No matter how the power outage occurred, there are few things you can go without during this tricky time—but heat and cooling is undoubtedly not one of them. That’s why it’s essential for every homeowner to understand how to restart their HVAC system after a power outage. Because even if the lights turn back on right away, there’s a chance you’ll need to perform HVAC repairs.

Steps to Reset Your Air Conditioner After a Power Outage

If your HVAC is not working after a power outage, follow these five steps:

  1. Turn off your HVAC system with the thermostat. Yes, this really is as simple as going to your thermostat and switching the setting to “off.” This will keep your thermostat from connecting with the HVAC while you reset your circuit breaker.
  2. Turn your air conditioner off with the circuit breaker. After you turn off the HVAC at the thermostat, you’ll want to go to your circuit breaker. This is usually located in a garage, storage room or basement. Your circuit breaker box should have a switch for the air conditioner. Set it to “off.”
  3. Flip the HVAC back on at the circuit breaker. After you’ve turned off the circuit breaker, you’ll want to switch it back to “on.” Think of it like restarting your computer after it crashes.
  4. Wait 30 minutes. Give your air conditioner some time to reset after you turn it on. It can take around 30 minutes for the internal circuitry to get back up and running, so wait half an hour before moving to the next step.
  5. Turn the thermostat back on. After you’ve waited for 30 minutes, go to the thermostat and set your system back to “on.” Your HVAC should turn back on successfully. If it does not, that may mean that the system was damaged during the storm.

Still Not Working?

If your HVAC system is still struggling to power back up after a power outage, there could be an issue with the capacitor or compressor. Both of these issues do require repairs from a professional HVAC tech. If you suspect there are more significant issues with your HVAC after an outage, give Bradley Mechanical a call right away.

Consider a Generator

If the power goes down and stays down — the only way to get it back is with a generator. A generator can be a quick and easy solution to ensuring your house remains lit, warm and comfortable. It can also prevent food waste and added safety when power outages go on for longer than expected.

If you live in an area where you experience frequent power outages, a generator could be an excellent investment for your home. They are also a great fail-safe for businesses that don’t want to suffer the financial consequences of closing due to a power outage. Generators can help to keep your most important electronics online, as well as food, safe within your refrigerator and freezer.

Depending on your needs, we can provide you with our top recommendations, including:

  • Whole house generators
  • Portable generators
  • Standby generators
  • Inverter generator
  • And more!

At Bradley Mechanical, we carry a variety of generator systems that can help protect you in the event of a major power outage. We sell, repair, and service generators in Richmond, Chesterfield, Midlothian, and throughout Central Virginia.

Contact Bradley Mechanical if Your HVAC Doesn’t Turn On

After a power outage, make sure you and your family are safe. Then, call Bradley Mechanical. Our certified technicians can get your HVAC system back up in no time. Whether we walk you through the process over the phone or make an on-site visit, our trained staff can help you get the backup power source when and where you need it.

Being without heat or cooling can be very frustrating and even dangerous, especially in freezing temperatures. We’ll make sure our repair job is thorough and done right the first time so you can get back to the things that matter most.

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